After beating chapter 2 in Disagaea 4, the Cabinet feature for multiplayer unlocks. This allows you to interact with other Disgaea 4 Playstation Network players within the game. This guide overviews t ...
The 'Juggler' trophy requires you to burn, poison, and freeze four enemies all at once in Resistance 3. The best place to unlock the trophy is probably in the Pit at Graterford, PA. Take a look at thi ...
Are you feeling lunky, punk? Well, if you are, why don't you try unlocking the 'Feeling Lucky, Punk' trophy in Resistance 3. Not only does this Achievement Hunter guide help you with that, it also giv ...
In this Achievement Hunter guide to unlocking PS3 trophies in Resistance 3, the guys walk us through how to unlock 'Grenadier', 'Access Denied', and 'Cheap Shots.' It may take a few tries to earn the ...
If you're having a hard time beating Satan, a boss located in the mines of Mt. Pleasant in Pennsylvania, take a look at this Resistance 3 boss fight guide. It'll help you figure out where to shoot the ...
The Widowmaker boss in Resistance 3 is fairly intimidating. You'll need to properly locate her weak spots while avoiding getting destroyed by her acid. To beat the Widowmaker, you'll also need to move ...
Hey guys today we will be learning on how to take apart a Playstation 3. There are very few steps in this video, so please watch the whole thing. i asure you all that this is the video for you. so th ...
Are you willing to do whatever it takes to gain host privileges in COD: Black Ops Annihilation Shangri-La Zombies? If you answered yes to that question, this is the video for you. Watch and learn how ...
Back in the 1940, a lot of people called women Dames. It was okay then. You might not get away with it now. One thing you can't ever called a woman is an imbecile, with or without the French accent. B ...